Our system through its interface, we can identify all calls made from any advertiser, indicating the start time and end time, once the call is canceled. With the Fast Botton system, you can have in real time the exact statistics of the area or machine that you want to analyze.
The calls are visualized through a screen, indicating by POP-UPs the calls and will identify the warning phases (1st Phase, 2nd Phase and Final Phase), in this way, all the announcements answered out of time, give us an indicator of certain deficiencies or lack of personnel in order to take corrective actions, improving the productivity of your industry.
For this reason, Fast Botton boosts its business in an innovative and effective way, increasing the productivity of its productive system, reducing costs as a consequence of the
decreaseof response times.
It is quite common in the sector, communication problems due to noise, activities or distance, with the Fast Botton ANDON system, we solve it easily, without complicated installations and wirelessly.